Seven civilians killed in 3 shootings in Myanmar’s Yangon

At least seven civilians were killed in three separate shootings involving the military or anti-junta forces in Myanmar’s commercial capital Yangon on Thursday evening, according to witnesses.


The incidents took place in Yangon’s Pabedan and southern Dagon Myothit townships and left six men and a woman dead, sources told RFA Burmese.


In one of the shootings, a rickshaw driver and two young men were killed when unidentified gunmen opened fire on a junta soldier on duty near the Maha Thein Dawgyi Ordination Hall in Pabedan at around 3:30 p.m., according to a resident of the township, who declined to be named for security reasons.


“[The soldier] was shot near a betel nut stall on a side street near Ordination Hall. I didn’t hear anything for a while, and then a [military truck] arrived on the scene. The soldiers were yelling and cursing,” the resident said.


“Then I heard [around 10] gunshots continuously. The rickshaw man and two other young men who were hit died on the spot. I feel sad that these men were shot for no fault of their own.”


The resident said the bodies of the three victims were taken away by a Red Cross ambulance around 30 minutes later.


Other residents of Pabedan told RFA that authorities closed Maha Bandoola and Sule Pagoda roads, which run through the center of the township, following the shooting, but reopened them this morning. Meanwhile, the security force presence inside the Maha Thein Dawgyi Ordination Hall has been doubled, they said.


Posts on a Telegram social media network channel used by junta supporters said the two young men had “carried out an attack” on the soldier at the betel nut stall and were killed when security forces returned fire.


However, a spokesman for an anti-junta armed group known as the Yangon UG Association rejected the claims.


“We will attack and flee with motorcycles or cars. We will even attack on foot and run when we have an escape route. But it doesn’t make sense to attack [a military post] with a rickshaw,” said the spokesman.


“[The military] might be trying to protect themselves. Or they might just be lying to cover up the act. These urban guerrillas are young people in an age of globalization, they aren’t morons. Everyone knows you can’t launch an attack from a rickshaw.”


The spokesman added that urban guerrillas don’t carry weapons in Yangon because junta troops carry out strict security checks in the city.


Southern Dagon Myothit shootings


Also on Thursday, a resident of southern Dagon Myothit’s Ward 53 said junta soldiers shot and killed a man in his 40s and a woman in her 30s inside their home.


“When we found them, they were already dead. The man had gunshot wounds on his chest and stomach,” the resident said.


“They were shot in their own house. When we checked with people nearby, they said the two who had been killed were peaceful people. We don’t know exactly who shot them.”


Later the same night, the anti-junta South Dagon Urban Guerrilla Group said that its members had killed the deputy administrator of Ward 71 and an office worker from Ward 25’s General Administration Department, who it claimed were military informers.


RFA was unable to independently confirm the killings in southern Dagon Myothit township.


The military has yet to release any information about the killings, and further details about the incidents were not immediately available.


Nan Lin, a member of the Yangon-based anti-junta group University Old Students’ Association, told RFA that urban guerrilla units have attacked bunkers, police posts and local administration offices, leaving authorities on edge and ready to fire at anything they deem suspicious.


“More and more people have lost their lives because of the military’s indiscriminate shootings,” he said.


“Urban guerrilla forces are staging all kinds of different attacks. Because of this, the soldiers feel they aren’t safe anywhere,” Nan Lin said. “There are quite a lot of cases now where [troops] open fire at anything suspicious, sometimes even at their own people.”


In Yangon, authorities are regularly arresting people at their homes during checks of guest lists and shooting at anyone they suspect of being members of anti-junta groups, residents told RFA.


According to Thailand’s Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), authorities have killed at least 2,327 civilians and arrested 15,691 others in the nearly 20 months since Myanmar’s military seized power in a Feb 1, 2021, coup — mostly during peaceful anti-junta protests.


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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) WHO Thailand Situation Report 248 – 28 September 2022

4,679,833 total confirmed cases


32,745 total deaths


Daily average numbers reported from 15 – 28 September 2022


614* new confirmed cases per day


*(including hospital admissions only)


11 deaths per day


867 people recovered per day


14,980 vaccinations per day


Source: World Health Organization

Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam – Tropical Cyclone NORU, update (GDACS, NHMF, TMD, Cambodia Meteo, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 30 September 2022)

A number of fatalities have been reported in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, following floods and river overflow caused by the passage of Tropical Cyclone NORU on 28-29 September.


In the Philippines, the death toll stands at twelve, 6 people are missing and 52 injured, 47,875 people are displaced and 911,404 have been affected. DG ECHO field staff will conclude assessment today. Immediate needs include shelter, livelihood and WASH.


In northern Cambodia, 16 people died. Many houses have been flooded and a number of roads have been damaged, including sections of National Road 9.


In northeastern Thailand, heavy rainfall and strong winds resulted in one fatality and two injured people in Srisaket Province. Widespread flooding forced ten communities to evacuate.


In Vietnam, 57 people were injured across the Provinces of Quang Ngai, Quang Tri, Thua Thien. Over 3,200 houses have been damaged and 94 others destroyed.


On 30 September – 1 October, moderate to locally heavy rainfall is forecast for most of Vietnam, northern and central Cambodia, and north-eastern Thailand.


Source: European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Constitutional Court rules that PM Prayut’s 8-year term in office has not expired

Thailand’s Constitutional Court has ruled by a majority that, in accordance with the 2017 Constitution, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s 8-year term in office did not expire on August 24th.


The court reasoned that the prime minister’s term should be calculated from the promulgation of that Constitution on April 6th, 2017. The court took less than 30 minutes to read their ruling, which was broadcast live nationwide.


As a result of this afternoon’s ruling, Prime Minister Prayut, who was suspended from active duty by the court on August 23rd, will resume his position immediately and will be back in the premiere’s office in Government House on Monday.


This morning (Friday), opposition chief whip Sutin Klungsang warned that there may be a political crisis if the court rules in favor of the prime minister, as there are opposing political activist groups who had threatened to stage rallies today.


Rather than allowing the country to slip into a political crisis, he said the prime minister should have made the sacrifice by resigning before August 24th.


Prime Minister Prayut was at his residence at the First Infantry Regiment of the Royal Guards on Vibhavadi Rangsit highway while the ruling was being read by three of the court’s nine justices.


It believed that six of the justices agreed that the prime minister’s term in office did not expire on August 23rd, as was posited by opposition parties.


Several anti-government groups plan to hold rallies this evening at the skywalk in Bangkok’s central commercial district of Pathumwan.


Source: Thai Public Broadcasting Service

Prayut vows to push ahead with mega-projects

In his first reaction to the ruling by the Constitutional Court which reaffirms his premiership, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha pledged to forge ahead with mega-projects initiated by his government.


In a post on his Facebook page, Prayut welcomed the ruling and thanked his supporters.  “I want to convey my highest regards to the ruling of the Constitutional Court,” he said.


Prayut said the one month during which he was suspended from active duty has given him time to reflect on himself. “It makes me realize that I need to spend the limited precious time that this government has left in following up and pushing all the mega-projects that I have initiated to bring prosperity to the country,” he said.


It was the first direct message from Prayut to the country since the court suspended him from performing his duty as prime minister on August 24 pending its ruling on his term of office.  The court this afternoon concluded that Prayut can continue to complete his tenure which it ruled began in 2017.


He said among his priorities are projects to upgrade the country’s communication and digital infrastructure which he said is crucial to the country’s future.


“These are projects that no previous administrations had undertaken…I initiated them with thorough consideration for the benefit of the people,” he said.


Stressing the importance of these projects to the country’s future, he said: “They are an assurance that Thailand can march toward prosperity and open up an opportunity for millions of people to prosper,” he said.


“We have come a long way and toward the right direction. We need to work together for them to succeed,” he said.


Source: Thai Public Broadcasting Service