Arrest of former bank manager and village headman for defrauding him of borrowing money and escaping more than 40 million.

Bangkok: May 3 – Raid and arrest former bank manager. and former village headman Saeb Tricking people into borrowing money Before escaping more than 40 million after escaping for 8 years

From 2012-2016, at that time this accused He is the manager of …

Bangkok: May 3 – Raid and arrest former bank manager. and former village headman Saeb Tricking people into borrowing money Before escaping more than 40 million after escaping for 8 years

From 2012-2016, at that time this accused He is the manager of a bank in Phitsanulok Province. There are a group of villagers gathered together. to request a loan for the development of community organizations According to the rural development loan project, group by group, and in addition, individual loans can also be obtained.

The circumstance is The former bank manager collaborates with the former village headman of Kaeng Sopha Subdistrict, with the village headman acting as a prospector for customers who are villagers in his own community. to borrow money to develop the community Some villagers have the right to get a loan. Some people don’t have rights. but deceived the villagers saying If you want to be eligible, you must borrow a large amount of money. They asked for half of the loan and would help pay the installmen
ts. If you do this, you will be easily approved for the loan. But in the end, when you have received half of the loan as requested by the villagers, you will take the money and run away. Total damages exceeded 40 million baht. Villagers flocked to complain to the Phitsanulok Damrongtham Center. So he resigned and fled unpunished.

Later, police officers from the Corruption and Misconduct Prevention and Suppression Division (PDPA) followed up and found that the former bank organizer had fled to hide and open an amulet stall in the Rangsit area. As for the former village headman, he fled to work as a security guard at various companies in Chachoengsao Province, so the force was brought in to arrest him. The accused confessed, actually acted, and admitted that he was the person according to the arrest warrant of the Criminal Court for Corruption Cases, Region 6, Phitsanulok Province. and has never been caught before

The police filed charges former bank manager accused of committing a crime Being an employee who
se duty is to buy, make, manage, or maintain any property that dishonestly misappropriates property that is his own or belongs to another person. or by dishonestly allowing others to waste that property, on the basis of being an employee Abuse of power in duty rape or influence so that any person Giving or obtaining property or any other benefit to oneself or others, on the basis of being an employee who performs or neglects to perform duties illegally. to cause damage to anyone or dishonestly performs or refrains from performing duties. As for the former village headman Charged with committing an offense for being an employee’s supporter.

Source: Thai News Agency

Ended well! A novice smokes and is punished by a monk for chewing and swallowing.

Maha Sarakham Understanding has been adjusted. Novice smoker The monks punished him by making him chew and swallow. The novice understood that the warning was because he had actually done something wrong. The monk’s side Explained to chew and then sp…

Maha Sarakham Understanding has been adjusted. Novice smoker The monks punished him by making him chew and swallow. The novice understood that the warning was because he had actually done something wrong. The monk’s side Explained to chew and then spit out. He insists he didn’t hit him.

In the case of publishing a clip of a novice secretly smoking and the monk forced the novice to chew and eat cigarettes It makes society question whether it is too much or not. While netizens said This matter must be separated from punishment. with doing more than is reasonable

This morning reporter Visited a temple in Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, and found that there was a summer novice ordination project. The ordination period is from 20 April and farewell on 6 May 2024, a total of 17 days. There are a total of 90 monks.

The monk revealed that the events of that day Went to meet 3 novices, ages 11-17, who were secretly smoking cigarettes in the bathroom. When he was told, he didn’t believe it. So he called th
e three novices to take cigarettes and chew them to see what they were like and then spit them out. The novices were not harmed. As for the news about what I slapped in the face, it is not true. I did not do that at all. The presentation is greatly exaggerated. I myself would like these novices not to go astray since childhood.

As for the novice who was punished, he revealed that on that day he did not expect the matter to turn out like this, and felt sorry for him. Phra Achan Wittayakon was a kind person and had never hit or let a novice who smoked swallow it. I just want the novices to be aware of the bad taste of cigarettes. I also apologize to the teacher.

Phrakhru Sarakitprayut, the abbot, was aware of the matter. Indicates that the temple is the host of this activity. For these children who come to be ordained as novices come from different There have been encounters with vices and addictions. The temple therefore provides training and polishing. As for the novice who took the video clip of the incide
nt, he was not a novice at the temple. But he came to ask to live at the temple. To be a novice mentor in this round of ordination of novices.

Source: Thai News Agency

The Doi Suthep forest fire has been extinguished.

Chiang Mai extinguished Forest fire in the Doi Pha Phueng area Doi Suthep National Park, Chiang Mai Province, air quality this morning Still ranked 8th worst in the world.

Forest fire situation in the Doi Pha Phueng area Close to Huai Tung Tao Reser…

Chiang Mai extinguished Forest fire in the Doi Pha Phueng area Doi Suthep National Park, Chiang Mai Province, air quality this morning Still ranked 8th worst in the world.

Forest fire situation in the Doi Pha Phueng area Close to Huai Tung Tao Reservoir. In the area of Doi Suthep National Park, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province, which burns from daytime until night, a helicopter must be brought. Up to 41 aerial water sprinkling flights used up to 20,500 liters of water and required up to 60 ground personnel to extinguish the fire. And the fire was extinguished in the middle of the last night. But still need to be careful I’m afraid it will erupt again. It is believed that the cause of the fire was from villagers illegally burning the forest. to hunt

This morning in Chiang Mai Only 6 hot spots were found because many districts had summer storms and rain. causing the smog situation to start to improve but still exceeds the standard value IQ Air website Chiang Mai air quality report Still in the top ten A
ir quality is the 8th worst in the world at 7:00 a.m.

Source: Thai News Agency

The Minister of Education reiterates that schools must not prevent the issuance of grade slips if the tuition is overdue.

Ministry of Education, “Pol. Gen. Permpoon” confirms that schools must not hold back the issuance of grade certificates if the tuition is overdue. Point out that schools must find a way to help parents. You can send students to continue. ‘Study well …

Ministry of Education, “Pol. Gen. Permpoon” confirms that schools must not hold back the issuance of grade certificates if the tuition is overdue. Point out that schools must find a way to help parents. You can send students to continue. ‘Study well and be happy. Everyone must be happy.’

Pol. Gen. Phoempoon Chidchob, Minister of Education, revealed that during the past period parents were concerned about schools not issuing transcripts or promoting students. If it is found that there is still arrears in educational maintenance fees with the school. On this issue he has ordered OBEC has gone to investigate and clarify the facts. Therefore, we would like all parents to be confident that the graduation or promotion of students in educational institutions under OBEC is not related to owing expenses or any other educational maintenance fees. And the school cannot use this issue by not issuing transcripts or promoting students in any case.

In the case of students who are in arrears with fees from the school Pare
nts can coordinate with the school to consider paying the expenses in installments. OBEC has guidelines for collecting educational maintenance funds for educational institutions. According to the letter No. 14006/W769 dated February 8, 2019 and must strictly follow the criteria for collecting educational maintenance fees of educational institutions under OBEC. If it is found that students and parents are necessary Unable to pay bills Schools must find ways to help. They may make an agreement to pay in installments or take any other action to relieve the parents’ suffering.

“Educational policy of The Ministry of Education has always emphasized that “Study well and be happy” especially that happiness Must be able to create all dimensions. Everyone involved in providing education must also be happy. which parents and students are classified as direct target groups The Ministry of Education will take care of easing the burden in various areas, so we will do our utmost to increase educational opportunities for st
udents at all levels. Allow students to graduate and continue their studies. At this time, the Secondary Educational Service Area Office and the Secondary Educational Service Area Office have been assigned to follow up and supervise all schools to take urgent action. Taking into account the benefits of the students is important’.

Source: Thai News Agency