
“Ph. Krissana Kraisin” received the Medical Scientist Award of Honor 2013

Department of Science announces award Honorary Medical Scientist of the Year 66 for Professor (Special) Dr. Pharmacist Krisana Kraisin, the developer of anti-AIDS-malaria drugs

Foundation of the Department of Medical Sciences and the Department of Medical Sciences honored “Professor (Special) Dr. Female pharmacist Krisana Kraisin, Krisana Kraisin Foundation, is an honorary medical scientist of the year 2023 who is dedicated to the development and production of anti-AIDS and antimalarial drugs. Including herbal medicine which is a contribution to solving important public health problems in Thailand and other countries around the world. The resulting work can be used in practice. It is beneficial to Thai people and mankind in the treatment and control of the disease. which will receive a plaque from Khunying Laksanachan Laohapan, Senior Executive Vice President Chulabhorn Research Institute representative Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Prince Chulabhorn Walailak Crown Princess Krom Phra Si Sawangkhawattana Worakhattiya Rajanari The presiding body at the opening ceremony of the 31st Academic Conference on Medical Sciences, which the Department of Medical Sciences and the Foundation of the Department of Medical Sciences jointly held on June 21, 2023 at the Grand Richmond Hotel Nonthaburi Province

Dr. Sathaporn Wongcharoen, MD. Chairman of the Foundation, Department of Medical Sciences, said that the Department of Medical Sciences Foundation has a policy to honor individuals in the medical science industry who have made contributions to the nation. Therefore, the Honorary Medical Scientist Award has been established since 2015, with a selection committee to receive the Honorary Medical Scientist Award as the operator. Under the accreditation of the Foundation Board of the Department of Medical Sciences

In its operation, it publicized the recruitment of medical scientists of honor according to various agencies in order to open opportunities for all agencies, both public and private sectors. including the Board of Directors qualified person Has nominated the person and the work of the person who deserves to receive the award.

Dr. Sathaporn further said that Professor (Special) Dr. Pharmacist Krisana Kraisin is the founder of the Pharmaceutical Organization Research and Development Institute. To research and produce medicines, both modern medicines and herbal medicines for Thai people to use in the whole country, more than one hundred types resulting in better quality drugs that are comparable to those of foreign countries to enter the market more and at a lower price His outstanding achievements are the development of formulations and studies on biointegrity pharmaceuticals of various anti-AIDS drugs, including the generic drug AZT, which prevents mother-to-child transmission of AIDS.

Combined formulations of anti-AIDS tablets or GPOVIR (GPO-VIR) and five other anti-AIDS drugs make Thailand the first country that can produce good quality anti-AIDS drugs. The price is 5-20 times cheaper than imported drugs. It can save the lives of 150,000 AIDS patients in Thailand and GPOVIR is included in the national free anti-AIDS drug program. and building a factory to fight HIV/AIDS and treat malaria, Africa’s deadliest disease. along with transferring knowledge Train personnel of pharmaceutical factories, hospitals, and the National Drug Research and Quality Control Institute. In Africa, 17 countries to produce anti-AIDS and anti-malarial drugs that can save the lives of millions of African patients.

In addition, you and your network partners have jointly developed the local knowledge of Thai herbs. Producing 4 formulas of Thai herbal medicines to treat diseases and promote the health of Thai people in remote areas. By establishing a training unit to restore the health of drug patients with herbs and develop the skills of growing herbal plants in an organic way for drug patients under the name “Suan Saranrom Model” in order to return good people to society. and has operated under other models such as Langkasuka Model Phu Kam Yao model Champa Sri Model white elephant model and thirty thousand models, etc., to convey the knowledge and benefits of Thai herbs. which is a national cultural heritage Where people in the area help each other in the use of local natural resources. with appreciation for the benefit of oneself and the public It has also established a training unit. To provide an opportunity for Thai youths studying pharmacy and Africans to learn and practice the production of herbal medicines in the industry.

Dr. Suphakit Sirilak, Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences Added that Professor (Special) Dr. Pharmacist Krissana Kraisin is a profound knowledge and expertise in medical science in the field of pharmacy. as well as creating a new body of knowledge Raise the level of Thai local wisdom on herbs. as well as transferring knowledge to students and colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry which is beneficial to society both within and outside the country Make Thailand’s reputation widely known in the international community. All works are evident and accepted, both professional, academic, articles, research, humanitarian work. And there are more than 100 academic articles, which these works make people who are sick. Both Thais and foreigners able to recover from suffering and disease back to a happy life self-reliant and participating in the development of society and the nation. many both domestically and internationally The highest award received was the 2009 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service. that has brought knowledge and competence in pharmaceuticals To help AIDS patients in Thailand and other countries around the world. In addition, he was bestowed a sash insignia of Pathom Direkkunabhorn. which is an insignia bestowed upon those who perform useful deeds

for the nation, religion and people

“The 31st Medical Sciences Conference 2023 under the theme “Smart Medical Sciences: Health for Wealth, Intelligent Medical Sciences for good health and a prosperous economy” held between 21 – 23 June 2023 at the Grand Richmond Hotel. Nonthaburi Province in Hybrid format, both Onsite and Online. Professor Chalerm Phommas about “Life-saving Journey” Lecturer, Honorary Medical Scientist by Professor (Special) Dr. Pharmacist Krisana Kraisin, Krisana Kraisin Foundation via Facebook page of the Science Academic Conference Medical time 10.45-11.15 hrs.

Source: Thai News Agency


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