Parliament, Opposition president whip says he’s not comfortable participating in discussions about reducing opposition debate time. Pointing out that changes will be made only 1 hour before the debate is unfair. because they already share time and topics with the opposition party If you insist on using the majority to vote for a new framework. It’s not elegant to hold. block check
Mr. Pakornwut Udompipatsakul The chairman of the opposition coalition coordination committee (opposition whip) mentioned the case of Mr. Phichet. Muang Phan The 2nd Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives has scheduled a three-party whip meeting tomorrow morning (April 3) to open a general debate according to Section 152 in order to agree on a time frame for debate. By reducing the time for the opposition from 22 hours to 18 hours and increasing it for the government from 6 hours to 10 hours, the opposition is still discussing whether to attend the meeting to agree on the said time frame or not. Because right now everyone i
s preparing for the debate.
‘The agreement to give the opposition 22 hours and the Cabinet 6 hours was an agreement made on March 23. The government is the one who submitted this proposal. Evaluate for yourself how much time you will use. which I didn’t ask for more Asked if the frame could be changed or not, I had to say that it could be changed if it was changed a few days after March 23rd. But to change the agreement 1 hour before the debate As the opposition has been preparing and preparing debaters for 22 hours and suddenly cutting off the debate time by 4 hours, I think it is unfair and unreasonable to do so. In fact, I must appeal to the president that this kind of incident should not happen. The president should remain neutral. Changing the agreement 1 hour before this type of change Is it fair to the opposition or not?’ said the opposition chairman whip.
As for the case where the government chief whip said that it was an adjustment for fairness so that the government would have time to explain comp
letely, Mr. Pakornwut said that if fairness was taken into consideration, it would have to be asked again. Whether cutting the opposition’s time down to 4 hours, equivalent to one-fifth of the originally agreed upon time, is fair to the opposition? The government is the one who proposes the time. I would like to emphasize that at the meeting that day, he even turned around and asked a government official informally whether the 6-hour period for clarification was really enough or not.
‘When the government confirms that it is enough The opposition agreed accordingly. But only to realize later that it might not be enough. I was happy to increase the time by ending the meeting later than before on both days. I had no problem and the opposition would like to get a clear answer from the government as well. which we have no problem at all If the Cabinet will take time There’s a lot of clarification, but to cut off the opposition’s time and come to an agreement 1 hour before the debate, I don’t think that’s possible
. Therefore, we would like to confirm the opposition’s time at 22 hours because the time has been allocated with the opposition parties,’ said the Opposition Chief Whip.
As for if an agreement cannot be reached, the government Using a majority to vote on the time frame, what should we do? Mr. Pakornwut said that we must negotiate first. Because I have to admit that If there is a vote, there will never be a day when the opposition will win. Please keep your eyes peeled for this being the first time in history that there are only a few forums for examining opposition governments. will use the majority to drag it away in order to change the amount of time in the discussion I think that Thai political history in the parliamentary system has never been like this. If the government under the leadership of the Pheu Thai Party comes to block it Blocking this kind of parliamentary audit system for the first time in that history. He thought it was not elegant at all.
When asked how to prepare for defense The Oppositi
on Chief Whip said that there would have to be negotiations. And there may be a need to negotiate in a large conference room before starting to discuss what to do. But talking in the morning before the meeting I am not comfortable participating. But we also have many whippersnappers. which is still being evaluated, however, whether tomorrow If the opposition does not attend the 3-party whip meeting, we would like the public to know that in any document that comes out, the opposition has no participation. It was a mutual agreement between the government to obstruct the investigation of the opposition.
Source: Thai News Agency