“Warawut” boils down to scuba diving teachers to kill Titan bull fish. Taped to attend a new attitude adjustment course

Bangkok, April 30 – “Warawut” is boiling! The case of a diving instructor chasing Titan triggerfish. People like this shouldn’t come to teach diving. Ready to teach him to go to a new attitude adjustment course), leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party …

Bangkok, April 30 – “Warawut” is boiling! The case of a diving instructor chasing Titan triggerfish. People like this shouldn’t come to teach diving. Ready to teach him to go to a new attitude adjustment course

), leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party Mention the case of a diving instructor. Post on social media that He was bitten by a titan oxfish. Koh Ran Ped and then killed the fish Claiming to prevent the fish from biting others. It was heavily criticized for inappropriate behavior that he had heard of such news. And would like to leave all entrepreneurs and diving teachers that teaching students Being a good example is key. and more importantly, must first understand that that we go diving We enter someone else’s house. We go into a world that is not our world, so what the fish or the owner of the house will do is their right. And it is our duty to respect the rights of homeowners. If the owner of the house comes to chase, it means that he does not want us to go in. that he came to chase Then we go and kill the owner of that house. If it’s a person, you’ll go to jail. But no one came to claim the rights to the fish. To the creatures under the sea, so we are human beings with ideas, knowledge, and most importantly, dive teachers.

“I am not very satisfied with this matter. This is also lucky to be outside the national park boundaries. Because if in the park area or in the responsible area of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will bring the matter to the end Until I’m in jail, so I’ll see. This fish is not a protected species. They are the fish that control the coral reef ecosystem. Without the Titan Oxfish May cause more enemies to threaten the coral until the balance is out of balance. So it’s not a matter for humans to hurt him. and your duty is to preserve because without sea fish What do divers dive to see? If there is no environment marine life So what are you going to dive in and see?” Mr. Warawut said.

Mr. Warawut said that the profession of a diving teacher when working like this There is common sense, just being attacked by a fish and killing him. It’s unreasonable. then came out to apologize Then the story is over. Isn’t it too easy? But life and resources wasted. Lost ecosystem with one fish It would be bad if everyone thought like you. The sea of Thailand will not have anything left for the children to see. Because at least in the neighborhood One of the Titan fish disappeared, instead of being seen by others. and knowing that the fish protect his area He doesn’t want to invade, don’t go in, even though he knows that this kind of fish protects the area. We should go black somewhere else. But if going in, you have to accept the risk. not to hurt him until his death It’s something that shouldn’t be.

Mr. Warawut said that this type of fish is a beautiful fish. common be unique and the treasures of the Thai sea that we should cherish Rare or not difficult is not the point. But the point is, it’s not your job to hurt him. But it’s even your duty to protect him.

“In a group of divers together have talked about Things that happened inappropriately It’s also a diving teacher. It is now known that in the area the diving teacher’s license has been temporarily suspended. And most importantly, he doesn’t have a license to operate. which if i could choose Don’t let people like this teach you how to dive. Or if not, then it’s better to go to a new diving attitude adjustment course, ”said Mr. Warawut. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency